This weekend I’m down at HHMI’s Janelia Farm Research Campus at the SEA-PHAGES undergraduate research symposium. The phage hunters class I TA is administered through HHMI and is taught at over 70 schools around the US and internationally. This symposium is a chance for undergraduates from all the schools to get together, present their research and be exposed to new ideas. Chen (one of the first year students and I are presenting our research into tetranculeotide usage in mycobacteriophage genomes. We’ll have a poster at the session on Saturday night and Chen will be giving an oral presentation on Sunday morning.
Janelia Farm is an inspiring place to visit – something about the beautiful architecture coupled with cutting edge research really sticks with you. I hope to come back to Providence with new connections, ideas and inspirations.
Check out the poster we’ll be presenting and feel free to leave a comment with any questions about the research, phage hunters, or the symposium in general.